Thursday, 4 July 2013

Funny Job- seeker wants to succeed by interview malpractice

A certain boy and a girl have been friends right from school age. The boy was very intelligent but the girl was an illiterate. While in the school, the girl passed exams by copying every thing the boy writes during such exams. That is how she had survived. Now they are looking for employment together and the girl thought she could succeed by the same method. They went for a job interview and the boy was called first for the interview. Now the questions thrown to the boy are as follows:
INTERVIEWER: Who discovered America?
BOY: Christopher Collumbus
INTERVIEWER: In what year
INTERVIEWER: Has it been proved:
BOY: Yes, but it has not been scientifically proved.

The boy passed. When he came out, the girl hurriedly asked him to tell her just the answer. So the boy told her- Number 1 answer: Christopher Collumbus, Number 2 answer:1887, Number 3 answer: Yes, but it has not been scientifically proved.
The girl was happy. When she entered for the interview, the questions unfortunately changed, however the girl can never change. The following conversation ensued:
INTERVIEWER: What is your name:
GIRL: Christopher Collumbus
INTERVIEWER: Christopher Collumbus? are you sure?
GIRL: Yes sir
INTERVIEWER: Ok. When where you born?
GIRL: 1887
The interviewer was now visibly angry and shouted at the girl: ARE YOU MAD?
The girl thought that it was the last question, so she answered: Yes, but it has not been scientifically proved.

That was how she felled the interview and did not get the job

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